Home » Feed Plant Project » SZLH400 Feed Pellet Mill Plant packing and shipping to Korea

SZLH400 Feed Pellet Mill Plant packing and shipping to Korea

SZLH400 Feed Pellet Mill Plant can be make 2-8mm feed pellets for different animals, dia. 5mm pellets can used to feed cows, dia.4mm pellet can feed pigs and goats

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SZLH400 Feed Pellet Mill Plant can be make 2-8mm feed pellets for different animals, dia. 5mm pellets can used to feed cows, dia.4mm pellet can feed pigs and goats, dia.3mm feed pellet can feed chicken, duck, goose, dia. 2.5mm feed pellet can used to feed birds, etc. you can choose different size flat die according the animal you want to feed.

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