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Chicks feed pellets crusher has been shipped

Different poultry, livestock feed pellets are of different sizes. Some big ones should be crushed into small ones. Roll type feed pellet crumbler is just the equipment for feed pellet crushing. Double-roll feed pellet crumbler is suitable for crushing poultry feed, such as chicken feed, duck feed, and goose feed, etc.

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Detailed instructions of Feed Pellet Crumble Machine
It overcomes the disadvantages of changing different specifications of gear after drawbench processing during the drive and easy- slippery of belt drive.
Two-roller structure and low cost. Three-roller structure, balanced and continuous work, advantages of equal sizes of finished products, high broken efficiency.
It is installed with a reverse turning structure that can control the size of the feeding mouth and make feeding well-distributed.
Less grading returned materials, high rate of finished products, Installed with feeder, low consumption.
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